Monday, December 23, 2019

The Government s Freedom Of Press - 974 Words

Since the Turkish state was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatà ¼rk in 1923, the press in Turkey has never been free. The first government was ruled by the Atatà ¼rk’s party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), which claimed to be liberal and modernist; however, they made a law which could shut down and /or censor any newspapers which they did not like. (Bulut, 2015). During the CHP era, 130 newspapers and magazines were banned. Although many parties’ names have changed throughout the years, the ruling ideology has been the same. For instance, during the rule of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes (1950 – 1960, Democrat Party), 161 newspapers were banned (YÄ ±lmaz, Doganer, 2007). Unfortunately, today’s freedom of press in Turkey has further worsened. At the end of 2011, 110,000 websites were shut down by the AKP government’s attempts. (Depeli, 2012). Many journalists were arrested, tortured and imprisoned. Most of the cases were associated with t errorism. According to the BIA Media Monitoring Reports, 104 journalists and 30 distributors were imprisoned in 2012. Also 64 of the journalists were Kurdish as well as almost all distributors. (Depeli, 20112). When Atatà ¼rk founded the Republic of Turkey, his ideology was to westernize the country through changing the education and political systems. Even though the majority of the population of Turkey supported the Kemalist (Atatà ¼rkist) ideology today and his â€Å"modern world-view†, they never acknowledge some of the genocides that happenedShow MoreRelatedEgypt s Press Freedom Issue And How The Government Is Responsible1533 Words   |  7 Pagesbeacon, the American press has suffered from scandal, unpopularity and government crackdowns†. In this paper, I will be explaining Egypt’s press freedom issue and how the government is responsible. Egypt is an Arab country located in the corner of North Africa, close to the Middle East. 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