Sunday, December 15, 2019

POS Free Essays

Disease concept note: polycystic ovary syndrome A lot of females worldwide tend to naturally shy off the topic of their genital health. They only come out of this devastating cocoon when the situation is far out of hand and beyond control, deeper analysis into this matter will add water to the myth that mortality rates in females are higher become they are ignorant of the most basic diseases. In matters pertaining reproductive health; the general public usually has very small information of the diseases that affect them (dunaif-1997). We will write a custom essay sample on POS or any similar topic only for you Order Now The general public is usually satisfied with knowledge of the most common sexually transmitted diseases; gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes and chancroid. This information is so trivial in such a vital topic. Apart from the general genitalia disease symptoms, females should be more cautious about their general health as their bodies are prone to bacteria and viruses compared to men.In this concept note I will be dissecting a not so common disease with very common symptoms that females ignore and only speak out when the symptom worsens. This note is meant to help doctors and nurses remedy the situation. To give it an authentic touch I did a web search from reputable institutions and contrasted the findings with one medical analysis I did on a patient. Signs and SymptomsIrregular menstrual cycleIrregular cycle means there is a delay in the monthly periods or having more than one menstrual cycle in a month. A female’s regular cycle is usually 28 days. This statistic may differ a little bit in women as their bodies function differently despite having the same genetic traits and metabolic systems. When a patient highlights missing periods after her pregnancy test was negative most doctors are left with a wide range of diseases to ponder on. Among the common diseases that can cause delay of the menses are urine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and thyroid cancer. Polycystic ovary syndrome is always denoted by delayed menstrual cycles.Acne breakoutThis is one of the most outstanding symptoms as it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The acne appears and disappears sporadically on the body. If a woman above 40 years complains of severe acne breakout then polycystic ovary syndrome should be tested first.Excess hair growth on the faceWomen faces are normally less hairy than men’s’ faces so a woman should be really alarmed when she notices rapid hair growth on her ears, nose and most of the time chin. This mostly affects women that have just hit 30 years and have contracted the disease.Restlessness and Sleepless nightsThis usually happens as patients having this disease exhibit high stress levels and cannot willingly focus on sleep or concentrate clearly. A slight interruption when the patient is sleeping makes her lose sleep completely. Rapid weight gain or weight lossDue to irregular hormone supply and imbalance, the metabolism in women will tend to change. The change will vary among the lot as they have different metabolic systems. No matter the case, drastic change in weight always mirrors unseen effects of a disease. Causes Withdrawal effects of family planning methods affect women hormonal systems and this in turn distorts the regular ovulation breakdown cycle. The effects if not medicated can be severe to the point of making the woman in question barren.MedicationFemale Patients under intense medication for long term diseases like cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis often experience delayed menses as their systems have to counter the effects of their prescribed dosages. Stress This is among the most ignored cause of polycystic ovary syndrome yet it holds bearing to a major symptom; restlessness and lack of sleep. A female’s frequent exposure to stress prone environments alters the functionality of her limbic system and further her stress then menstrual pattern. Remedies There are natural and medical remedies to this disease.The natural remedies should be tested first then medical to follow later if the later has not helped relieve the symptoms. A keen analysis should be done on the patient to ascertain which Medicine prescription is suitable for her. This will prevent further severity of the underlying symptoms. Natural remedies Eating a balanced diet will help stabilize the metabolic system hence restore the females menses cycle. Pineapple and papaya fruits are a recommendation as they have bromeliad that breaks down uterus walls and flashes out any blockages along the way. A patient should also consider eating small quantities of food regulaly.Regular exercises like yoga and crossfit are good for kick starting the brain. Any workout is good as long as it is regular and comfortable.Distress and self-care will help activate the brain cells. One should at least take time and break from her regular routine. Even a 30 minute break can be very relieving. Reduce salt and caffeine consumption. These two food stuffs inhibit the production of hormones and if not moderated they tend to alter the female reproductive system Medicine recommended are tranexamic acid systematic popularly known as Lysteda. It is a miscellaneous coagulant modifier that helps in restoring back damaged cells in the body. Ethynyl estradiol commonly known as Drospirenone is a drug meant to reverse the withdrawal effects of contraceptives in women.Mineral and vitamin supplements can also be prescribed as their role is to stabilize the production of hormones in the body. References Source of remedies for polcystic ovary syndrome of detailed symptoms to the disease of other genital diseases resistance and the polycystic ovary syndromeEndocrine review by A Dunaif How to cite POS, Papers

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